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Thursday, August 23, 2007

More Band Comp And More

It's starting to seem like the band comp is all that ever gets blogged about these days. When we started this place, we thought we'd be offering commentaries on the all the important issues in life (the art of train travelling may still one day arrive) and even toyed around with the idea of a podcast. Ha! Reality is so much less exciting than the imagination. But hopefully we'll be able to keep this place vaguely relevant by offering the occasional update on goings on. And that's exactly what I intend to do right now.

Returning to the band comp, we are indeed in the semi's which take place tomorrow. We went along to the first semi and discovered just how tight the competition is. The Laurels and The Jezabels made it through and if we're fortunate enough to make it through to the finals it will be incredibly tough. Still, we're enjoying the challenge and it's forcing us to perform to our best which can never hurt. We'll be playing a filler free 20 minute set, so make sure you're there by 6.30 for all the action.

In life beyond the band comp (yes, there is one) we are gradually counting down the days until Craig heads to America. This will be forcing us on a 3 month break (unless we replace him with an iPod). So until then (mid November) we will trying to fit in as much as possible. This includes a gig with The Lovetones and Belles Will Ring, which come to think of it, is a mere 2 weeks away. Should be great.

It's also looking our dream of going to Melbourne may just happen after all. We're hoping to head down with our best pals Cloud Control and are wetting our proverbial pants in anticipation. If there's any Melbournites out there, we may see you soon. We might also be sleeping on your floor so clear a space.

On top of this, we'll probably be adding a few gigs along the way (keep your eyes peeled for a VERY big Sydney band night which we may be involved with), plus if all goes to plan, we should have a couple more demos to shove in your face. SO STAY TUNED. Until then, we'll keep on doing what we supposedly do best: making music and neglecting our blog. See ya round. Say hello!

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